viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I would like to visit


Hello dear cybernauts, today I am talking to you about a very interesting topic. Well, everyone has at least thought about leaving Latin America at some point in their lives, that's why I would like to travel to Canada, known for being one of the best countries to live in, my boyfriend explained to me about Vancouver, it is a city on the Pacific coast of Canada, the city was named in honor of captain George Vancouver, an English explorer. This is a city characterized by being surrounded by the sea, full of parks and natural attractions that makes anyone crazy!!. The cityscapes are also wonderful, as the tall glass buildings contrast with the reflection of the sea, creating amazing views. In addition to the above, many of the alleys in the city center are so picturesque because they have been intervened by urban artists so they have acquired color and life. In conclusion Vancouver is both a beautiful and safe city and I hope that someday I can live there <3

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Changes to my study programme

                         Well to be honest, I think that I a lot of things that I would change in my study programme since I entered to the ...