viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2022

Changes to my study programme

                    Well to be honest, I think that I a lot of things that I would change in my study programme since I entered to the university, college is supposed to be a great experience however there are many factors that I think ruin the wonderful of this experience.

                 In first place when we talking about the teachers I believe that at least they ought to have been studied Pedagogy because in some subjects I have been the bad lucky of have teachers that don’t have any communication ability and also they are gross and that is to exhausting because it is not possible to maintain a dialogue with themAnother thing that I would change are the prerequisites of the subjects, this is because some subjects don't use any knowledge acquired in the previous subject and also they are annual and it only causes one delay in finish the career and regarding the infrastructure, I have nothing negative to say about it because the university has many well distributed toilets throughout the faculty and they are always very clean and also has many places where one can study and it is very comfortable. The only thing I can say that it makes me angry is just to say that sometimes there is bad management assigning the classrooms, sometimes they send a course of approximately 200 students to very small classrooms which is obviously too uncomfortable, and basically that is the summary of what I think about the university in infrastructure, teachers and subjects.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

A job you would like to do in the future

A time travel to the future

Honestly I am not so interested in the future, I am a relaxing person, even for the present time, there is a lot of things that I think are so trivial no matter how important they are, On the opposite I really like the free time, leisure activities, in general, all the things that no require organization, that is one of the reasons of why I don’t talk about the future. Besides in some movies show the future like a dystopian civilization where the robots are controlling all the world and the human race are exterminated by the Artificial Intelligence so if I traveled to the future it wouldn't be so far, I think I would travel twenty years approximately, I hope that time the world will have taken measures against climate change and that the areas of science and technology will have evolved enough to be able to combat several of tragic diseases that exist such a SIDA, Alzheimer, cancer, etc; regarding technology I have high expectations that it will be possible to play virtual reality games with full inmersion, where i have the possibility to fly or have powers and any ability that may not be possible in real life but is possible in a game, now that I think about it, a future like that sounds entertaining enough for me to stay for a long time...

Changes to my study programme

                         Well to be honest, I think that I a lot of things that I would change in my study programme since I entered to the ...